Who we are

Our Facebook group name is 6000 Moms although not all of us are moms and we aren’t 6000 in number. Currently we have about 4,200 members and growing everyday. We aren’t all of the same political party or religion. What we are is like-minded hearts when it comes to children and families in need. In just under 3 years, we have made real changes in the lives of immigrant families and families seeking asylum in the US. Talk about joy! Some things we do require time, some just research, some connections, some digging through our closets and donating pots, pans and furniture and so on, sometimes letter writing, and sometimes money.

Our group has grown to the point that we now have 10 “Care Teams” that provide extremely comprehensive and holistic aid to immigrant families in need of support. These teams harness the talent and generosity of the entire 6000 moms membership roster, drawing anyone who wishes — no matter how near or far — directly into this life-changing work.

Our Vision & Mission

The Mission of 6000 Moms is to help immigrant and refugee families thrive by connecting them to care, advocacy, support and community.

The Vision of 6000 Moms is a society where immigrants and refugees are welcomed, empowered, and treated as equals with kindness, dignity and respect.

Meet the Founder of 6000 Moms

Suzanne Luchs is the heart of our group. There would be no 6000 Moms without her. She started this group in June 2018 after her cousin, Lois Groat, posted an article about the separation of children from their parents at the border. Suzanne felt the call to do more than just “post” about it on Facebook, so she started 6000 Moms as a grassroots effort to make a tangible difference for immigrant families.

Suzanne is an active member on all of our Care Teams as well as overseeing 6000 Moms as a whole. One of her strengths is bringing the stories of these families directly into the hearts and minds of our members, through regular posts and photos (when appropriate) about their lives. This enables members to connect more deeply with the families and the work at hand, and to see up close how their contributions are making life-changing (sometimes life-saving) differences for these immigrant families.

Suzanne works full time, has two daughters (both adopted from China: one with a recent graduate degree and one a sophomore in college), and adores cats. She is extremely humble, devotes endless hours to our group, and cares deeply about the love we are sending out into the world.

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539 Roosevelt Rd. #1053
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137